A definitive list.

No environment variables are mandatory. Some are required if you will be using certain features, and some are not required at all depending on your system architecture. The following is a list of available configuration parameters for the latest release of obyx.

Environment variables are said to be set if the EXIST. Simply having an empty envar will not make obyx use the default. This is particularly important when you come to Boolean values such as 'OBYX_DEVELOPMENT' and setting this to 'false' will not disable it as the setting is based upon existence not value.


  • OBYX_SQLSERVICE (Recommended, string, defaults to none)
    This field defines what kind of SQL service you are connecting to if it is not set you will not be able to connect to a SQL server. (mysql / postgres)
  • OBYX_SQLHOST (Recommended, string, defaults to localhost)
    This indicates the hostname to be used for database connection.
  • OBYX_SQLPORT (Optional, int, defaults to 3306)
    This indicates the port to be used for database connection.
  • OBYX_SQLUSER (Recommended, string, no default)
    This indicates the username to be used for database connection
  • OBYX_SQLUSERPW (Recommended, string, no default)
    This indicates the password to be used for database connection
  • OBYX_SQLDATABASE (Recommended, string, no default)
    This used to indicate the name of the database to be connected by Obyx
  • OBYX_SQLSERVICE_REQ (Optional, default is not set)
    With this option set, Obyx will throw an error if it is unable to contact a SQL server instance that has been specified in the configuration. This should only be set if your application depends on a sql connection.

Site Configuration

  • OBYX_DEVELOPMENT (Optional, default is not set)
    With this option set, it indicates whether or not logging and debug messages are to be shown
  • OBYX_ROOT_DIR (Recommended, string, Default is current working directory.)
    This is an absolute directory of the site container - all files inside this directory will be accessible to obyx (usually all publically accesible files.)
  • OBYX_SCRIPTS_DIR (Optional, string, No default)
    This is an absolute directory that contains scripts accessible to Obyx when using the 'shell' instruction operation.
  • OBYX_SCRATCH_DIR (Optional, string, Defaults to /tmp)
    This is an absolute directory that contains temporary data.

Engine Configuration

  • OBYX_CONFIG_FILE (NOT RECOMMENDED, string, default not set)
    This indicates the location of an external configuration file that will OVERRIDE ALL environment variables
  • OBYX_VALIDATE_ALWAYS (Recommended, default not set)
    With the option set, all xml that has a declared DOCTYPE or namespace will be validated during a parse. XML Syntax checking is always done.
  • OBYX_LOGGING_OFF (Not Recommended,default not set)
    This option will disable logging to screen.
  • OBYX_SYSLOG_OFF (Not Recommended,default not set)
    This option will disable all logging to syslog.
  • OBYX_MTA (Recomended, string, not set)
    Provide an absolute path to a sendmail compliant MTA to enable sending emails from the osi.

Dynamic Library Locations

  • OBYX_LIBCURLSO (Optional, string, default off)
    An absolute path to the location of curl liraries. This will only really be useful for MaxOSX and non-standard distributions of Linux.
    e.g. /usr/local/lib/libcurl.dylib - for macosx)
  • OBYX_LIBPCRESO (Optional, string, default off)
    An absolute path to the location of pcre liraries. This will only really be useful for MaxOSX and non-standard distributions of linux.
    e.g. /usr/local/lib/libpcre.dylib - for macosx
  • OBYX_LIBMYSQLCRSO (Optional, string, default off)
    An absolute path to the location of MySQL Client liraries. This will only really be useful for MaxOSX and non-standard distributions of linux.
    e.g. /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient_r.dylib - for macosx
  • OBYX_LIBPQSO (Optional, string, default off)
    An absolute path to the location of PostGres SQL Client libraries. This will only really be useful for MaxOSX and non-standard distributions of Linux.
    e.g. /usr/local/pgsql/lib/libpq.dylib - for macosx
  • OBYX_LIBZIPSO (Optional, string, default off)
    An absolute path to the location of pcre liraries. This will only really be useful for MaxOSX and non-standard distributions of linux.
    e.g. /usr/lib/libz.dylib - for macosx

If you would like to see some example configurations please see.
Apache Configurations.
Command Line Configrations.

Last Modified: Thu, 15 Jan 2015