The Instruction operation "function" performs a specific task separately from the main program, functions may take any number of named parameters as arguments. Also known as a subroutine or subprogram in other languages. The first input of a function operation must declare the function source, subsequent inputs provide the named parameters.
The example below shows a simple function being called by Obyx, we need two files, the function caller "fn-caller.obyx", that as the name suggests calls the function and then displays it onto the screen and "function.ixml", which is the actual function file.
The first instruction has a value of "Calling a " and the second instruction calls the function which is an external file.
<!-- simple call to a function -->
<instruction operation="append" xmlns="">
<input value="Calling a " />
<instruction operation="function">
<input space="file" value="function.ixml" />
Calling a Simple Function!
The instruction in our function below has a value of "Simple Function!". Both are output to screen returning "Calling a Simple Function!".
<instruction xmlns="">
Simple Function!
This example function shows how to provide a check for emptiness and existence, while setting a default:
<comparison operation="exists" note="ckfunc.xml" xmlns="">
<comparate space="parm" value="number" />
<comparison invert="true" operation="empty">
<comparate space="parm" value="number" encoder="digits" />
<ontrue space="parm" value="number" encoder="digits" />
<comparison operation="empty">
<comparate space="parm" value="default" />
<ontrue space="parm" value="default" />
<onfalse value="3000" />
<comparison operation="empty">
<comparate space="parm" value="default" />
<ontrue space="parm" value="default" />
<onfalse value="3001" />
Then, we can call it in any of the following manners:
<instruction operation="function" xmlns="">
<input space="file" value="ckfunc.xml" />
<instruction operation="function" xmlns="">
<input space="file" value="ckfunc.xml" />
<input value="600" name="default" />
<instruction operation="function" xmlns="">
<input space="file" value="ckfunc.xml" />
<input value="500" name="number" />
<instruction operation="function" xmlns="">
<input space="file" value="ckfunc.xml" />
<input value="300" name="number" />
<input value="201" name="default" />