The new language known internally as Context was named OBYX in November 2007. The 'Obyx era' ran from then up to November 2009 when the new language was launched. This era was used to test and refine the new language.
The language was named Obyx.
First code made available on SVN.
The sendmail request/response function was created.
The file output function was created. This enabled the output of files and objects.
The instruction “function” was created allowing the use of functions within Obyx.
The Comments function was released.
Introduction of the S element
Introduced the Xqila library which was a superior way to use Xpath compared with the previously used XAlan .
The RC1 version was ready for release, although the engine was not yet publicly available.
The 'itype' attribute type was renamed to become 'space'.
This version was released and fixed bugs found in RC1.
This version is the first available for public download.
This version is the first stable version considered stable for general use.